...left the house will spilled cheerios in our playroom
...with dishes in the sink, piled up from gosh only knows when
...may or may not left dirty pee pee diapers on the floor...somewhere
...ingnored the bag, that was filled with blocks, dumped on the floor
...turned a blind eye to my child when he ate the fore mention of cheerios off the floor when we got home
...was in horrible mood because our costco sized coffee ran out. that is pretty much tragic at our house
...sat down at my MOPS table and was probably too loud
...got dressed up for MOPS but all I could think of "boy I wish I could be in sweats right now"
...after I write this will head off and change into sweats excuse me, yoga pants!
...realized I am a really horribly messy person
...came home to almost no bread for sandwiches, gave Super C the 'butt' piece, I ate half a sandwich and Monkey M got a whole sandwich with two real pieces of bread
...am thankful for my wonderful children who tolerate me only a daily basis. Including when I thought it would be funny to stuff the blocks mentioned above into Super C's pants while he was crawling around. Monkey M thought was funny too.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
...When you actually have time to read...
I am not a big reader, although in years after high school and college I have found the love of reading. Once I realize that there isn't some teacher shoving a book down my throat to read...then do a large book report...I was able to pour coffee and enjoy what I would like to read.
There was only three books that I have read front to back pretty much in one sitting....'Happens Every Day-An All Too True Story' By Isabel Gillies (great book, but sad since its about marriage and divorce but you can't help but just feel for the main character) 'Beautiful Boy: A father's journey through his son's addiction' by David Sheff and his Son's book on his addiction 'Tweak: Growing up on Meth." by Nic Sheff. Both father/son have amazing writing that draw you in and you feel for both of them on different levels, reaccounting their stories. All three books are actually depressing in their owns way, but would recommend any of these books for a great read.
Now I am adding another one to that list. And if you haven't borrow it/put it on hold at the library, do so now 'Bossypants' by Tina Fey.
There have been many times where I am sitting, watching some 30 Rock and say, out loud for that matter, I wish I was more like Tina Fey. I would rather have my daugther look up to someone with a great sense of humor that someone who goes simply on looks (not to say Tina Fey isn't beautiful, she is...maybe not so much in the older pictures she has through out her book. But heck, we all remember those days...right???). She is smart, hillariously quick, honest, and blunt. All those things I love about her.
I am a big 30 Rock fan and a huge fan of her when she was on SNL (what happened to SNL anyways??? Seems like its a ship thats going down...fast...). Loved her when she was Sarah Palin, frankly becasue she was making fun of her...I am not a Sarah Palin fan. And that she is a mother of now two and a marriage...she is a great lady! All those things she addresses in her book, with that smart and honesty I talked about earlier.
One weekend we were invited to 'the cabin' which is on a local island. The kids played in the swimming pool, the men helped with projects around the cabin (beer in hand of course) and I got to sit...and read. I brought this book with the intention of reading it off and on during the weekend. I probably neglected my children over the course of the weekend but crap dang...grandparents were there, they wanted to watch them! on a side note, please don't call CPS, I really didn't neglect my children and I swear I am a decent mother.
By far my favorite chapter on the book is which she talks about motherhood in the chapter titled "There's a Drunk Midget in My House"
I am going to briefly write about my favorite parts only to entice you to read the book.
As with any first time mother, Tina was thrown in to the Breastfeeding vs Bottle feeding debate. Now, I am going to announce here that I am taking sides on either...as long as your baby is healthy, thats all that matters!
Quote: "Invented in the mid-1800's as a last-ditch option for orphans and underweight babies, packaged infant formula has since been perfected to be a complete and reliable source of stress and shame for mothers." I cracked up at this...because when I went to formula for both children I experienced both of those things. Not as much with my second as I started not giving a crap care anymore.
Quote: "There are a lot of different opinions as to how long one should breast-feed. The world Health Org says six months. The American Association of Pediatrics says one year is Ideal. Mothering magazine suggests you nurse the child until just before his rehearsal dinner. I say you must find what works for you. For my little angel and me the magic number was about seventy-two hours". Mine was three months, both, on the dot.
Now for Tina Fey's "Me Time" List:
-Go to the bathroom a lot.
-Offer to empty the dishwasher.
-Take nintey-minute showers (if you only shower every three or four days, it will be easier to get away with this.)
-Say you're going to look for the diaper creme, then go into your child's room and just stand there until your spouse comes in and curtly says "What are you doing?"
-Stand over the sink and the rest of your child's dinner while he or she pulls at your pant leg asking for it back.
-Try to establish that you're the only one in your family allowed to go to the post office.
-"Sleep when your baby sleeps." Everyone knows this classic tip, but I say why stop there? Scream when your baby screams. Take Benadryl when your baby takes Benadryl. And walk around pantless when your baby walks around pantless.
Ok, so seriously, if my crappy halfassed review isn't cutting in...check out the book. You will not regret it in anyway....
Melissa tag your it! The book is off to you now! Thanks Reyna for the community book!
And I put my stamp of approval of this...
-Sara puts a Bird on it.
There was only three books that I have read front to back pretty much in one sitting....'Happens Every Day-An All Too True Story' By Isabel Gillies (great book, but sad since its about marriage and divorce but you can't help but just feel for the main character) 'Beautiful Boy: A father's journey through his son's addiction' by David Sheff and his Son's book on his addiction 'Tweak: Growing up on Meth." by Nic Sheff. Both father/son have amazing writing that draw you in and you feel for both of them on different levels, reaccounting their stories. All three books are actually depressing in their owns way, but would recommend any of these books for a great read.
Now I am adding another one to that list. And if you haven't borrow it/put it on hold at the library, do so now 'Bossypants' by Tina Fey.
There have been many times where I am sitting, watching some 30 Rock and say, out loud for that matter, I wish I was more like Tina Fey. I would rather have my daugther look up to someone with a great sense of humor that someone who goes simply on looks (not to say Tina Fey isn't beautiful, she is...maybe not so much in the older pictures she has through out her book. But heck, we all remember those days...right???). She is smart, hillariously quick, honest, and blunt. All those things I love about her.
I am a big 30 Rock fan and a huge fan of her when she was on SNL (what happened to SNL anyways??? Seems like its a ship thats going down...fast...). Loved her when she was Sarah Palin, frankly becasue she was making fun of her...I am not a Sarah Palin fan. And that she is a mother of now two and a marriage...she is a great lady! All those things she addresses in her book, with that smart and honesty I talked about earlier.
One weekend we were invited to 'the cabin' which is on a local island. The kids played in the swimming pool, the men helped with projects around the cabin (beer in hand of course) and I got to sit...and read. I brought this book with the intention of reading it off and on during the weekend. I probably neglected my children over the course of the weekend but crap dang...grandparents were there, they wanted to watch them! on a side note, please don't call CPS, I really didn't neglect my children and I swear I am a decent mother.
By far my favorite chapter on the book is which she talks about motherhood in the chapter titled "There's a Drunk Midget in My House"
I am going to briefly write about my favorite parts only to entice you to read the book.
As with any first time mother, Tina was thrown in to the Breastfeeding vs Bottle feeding debate. Now, I am going to announce here that I am taking sides on either...as long as your baby is healthy, thats all that matters!
Quote: "Invented in the mid-1800's as a last-ditch option for orphans and underweight babies, packaged infant formula has since been perfected to be a complete and reliable source of stress and shame for mothers." I cracked up at this...because when I went to formula for both children I experienced both of those things. Not as much with my second as I started not giving a crap care anymore.
Quote: "There are a lot of different opinions as to how long one should breast-feed. The world Health Org says six months. The American Association of Pediatrics says one year is Ideal. Mothering magazine suggests you nurse the child until just before his rehearsal dinner. I say you must find what works for you. For my little angel and me the magic number was about seventy-two hours". Mine was three months, both, on the dot.
Now for Tina Fey's "Me Time" List:
-Go to the bathroom a lot.
-Offer to empty the dishwasher.
-Take nintey-minute showers (if you only shower every three or four days, it will be easier to get away with this.)
-Say you're going to look for the diaper creme, then go into your child's room and just stand there until your spouse comes in and curtly says "What are you doing?"
-Stand over the sink and the rest of your child's dinner while he or she pulls at your pant leg asking for it back.
-Try to establish that you're the only one in your family allowed to go to the post office.
-"Sleep when your baby sleeps." Everyone knows this classic tip, but I say why stop there? Scream when your baby screams. Take Benadryl when your baby takes Benadryl. And walk around pantless when your baby walks around pantless.
Ok, so seriously, if my crappy halfassed review isn't cutting in...check out the book. You will not regret it in anyway....
Melissa tag your it! The book is off to you now! Thanks Reyna for the community book!
And I put my stamp of approval of this...
-Sara puts a Bird on it.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
There isn't even word for this...
For those of you who live in Washington State, you are very aware of little Rachel Beckwith. Those who are not from the area, let me tell you a little background.
Little Rachel was turning 9 and instead of having gifts for her birthday she wanted to raise money for "Charity Water" a non profit that brings clean water to those who are able to reach clean water. Her goal was $300 (to give 15 people fresh, clean water) and she was $80 short of her goal...
Then last week, most of us heard about a horrific traffic accident on one of our major highways. A huge car pile up that went for miles...
Rachel's family was in that pile up....
She went into the Hospital with $80 short of her goal....
There Rachel fought for her life, with her amazing family by her side.
She went home to Jesus this past Saturday.
Since then her story went viral. One of the most amazing things of our current technology, things can get around the world within minutes.
As of today she has reached her goal...she is just shy of $580,000.
I write this not only to urge you to donate or even pray for her family during this time. But to also think about compassion, empathy and what we are teaching to our children. I prayed with both children for Jesus to bless them with gift of compassion and empathy. Even at such a young age, children can be impacted to bless others with their compassion and empathy. It warms my heart to know that there are others out there teaching the same to their children.
...imagine if everyone was filled with compassion and empathy?
Monday, July 25, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Never Say Never
This post is brought to you by "Cat in the Hat Knows a lot About That"...this morning was all about 'echos', so guess what the kids are doing...yelling echo around the house (dang you PBS). I have to escape, so I am going to write about a few things I said I would NEVER do.
And I am not talking Justin Bieber fans.
...Please keep in mind, you new mothers or heck even seasoned mothers...never say never.
There is, of course, the normal "I will NEVER let my children watch tv" that I would tell to myself. Right, reality of the fact is, I am pretty sure Monkey M learned that alphabet from stupid show with elmo. Thats not what I am talking about. If you know me, there are two that I can't believe I went back on my word...
Monkey M will NEVER be into princess things
I will NEVER own a Minivan
Now good, I got that in the open.
When I was pregnant with Monkey M I swore up and down that she wouldn't be a normal girly girly. She won't own any Disney princess items and she wouldn't want to ever wear a skirt.
I couldn't be more wrong about my daughter. Let me show you a few examples:
You see, I don't even need to explain...I have the most girly girly ever.
And....the minivan. I know my sister in law is laughing at me...she knew I was going to eat my words one day. Here it goes...
It just would be so much easier to have a van.
Once A gets his new job...depending on money of course...we will be looking into upgrading our current car situation. With me watching at least one more child a during the week days, its really hard to squeeze three carseats into my Honda. It would be so much easier if I didn't hit my child's head each time I put them into the carseat.
Some of you might ask "well Sara, what about a SUV? or something with a 3rd row seat?" Lets be realistic, I am 4'11'' and there is no way that I am going to get up and down so easily.
If you don't think its cool, just check this out:
(click on the video in the above post)
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
You've got to be f'ing kidding me...
...was almost what I said...in front of my kids yesterday, when I found this....
a pull up...in the washer...it exploded
Oh the horror!
I am claiming a all out war against pull ups.
I would have taken a picture of it, but I was way too embrassed to have the exploded, used none the less, pull up in my washer. I was so excited (ok, mildly) that I was finally catching up with the piles of laundry that covered our hall way. One less thing to worry about as the week started. Opening the washer door, took one piece of clothing out, and I see it...that nasty white stuff. All over, in pockets, everything.
Now you might say to yourself "Sara, you loaded the laundry"...thats where you are wrong...
In my attempt to teach Monkey M independence, M loaded the washer, with the incriminating pull up.
Fine...I pulled out the vacuum (which is rare at my house) and that little hose thingy and vacuumed all those dang gel balls. Then went outside and shook out all her clothes. Gross and smelled slightly like pee.
Did a wash by its self and life returned to normal.
Untill I asked Monkey M to put her clothes away in her room.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
That Just Happened...
Here is the explaination of why I freak'n love birds....and my tattoo
Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
Some of you might know, I suffer from Despression/Anxiety. I have for most of my life. I had the worse bout after I had given birth to Monkey M (ppd). I then started a 'healing' type process (without ever really healing since I will battle with this my whole life). Medication, counseling and lots of praying had lead to me to where I am at now...on that road to understanding. Understanding that God does have a werid and odd plan for me, with my depression and anxiety. God has given me words and a sharing spirt to tell people to not be ashamed. That those feelings and emotions...you are not alone. I have been blessed with a great second child, Super C, who has helped in my understanding/healing of my anxiety. With awareness and lots of support, I was able to have a second child.
Yes, its on my wrist...do I regret it? NO. Why? Because each person that asks "what verse is that?" I am able to share a bit of my testamony. To share, that I constantly have to give my requests, my anxiety, to the Lord. Its a reminder, thats why its on my wrist. I can not wash it off! Why facing me? Because its only for me. And when I raise my hands in Praise for Him, He knows the tattoo...and showing that I am presenting my requests to Him.
The Bird on the "P". When Monkey M was young I started to sing to her 'three little birds' (by Bob Marley, But I sing the Elizabeth Mitchell version) as her lullaby. It was my way of starting her young and teaching her "don't worry...about a thing...because every little think is going to be alright." Fast forward to now, its known as "mommy's song" at our house. I remember the first time I sang to Super C...he was screaming and I mean screaming...I started singing that song...and that little baby quieted down. It soothed him, like is soothed Monkey M and it soothes me. The little bird is there as a reminder also.
I feel now I am an open book. The ones closest to me have known this for awhile, but now I am telling you. Its a scary overwhelming thing, anxiety/depression, and I am by no means "healed". It will be a struggle. But its no struggle compaired to what Jesus did for us on the Cross.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Monkey M and Super C
These are my children, the most adorable kids ever...many more stories to come.
A new day...a new blog
Here it is...Sara Puts A Bird On It.
Have you seen that clip from Portlandia? You know, where they make fun of people putting 'birds' on everything? Well click below to see it.
Yes, I realize that they are making fun of those who put birds on things and I proudly say...yes I am one of those! For freak'n good reason too...that will be explained later.
I have decided to start a new blog, one that combines all my other blogs, into one. Some of it will be about my kids: super c (my son, 7 months) and monkey m (my daugther, almost 4years). I 've decided to keep the names private. Some of it might even be about my brave hubby 'a' (who has to deal with me putting birds on everything!). There will be doses of my personal life, which will include my battle with depression/anxiety and the battle to be a good mom to my children. Also, there will be some Jesus talk...as the Love of Jesus is what gets me by each day.
And yes...I will share with you my hobbys...crafting, sewing, and looking for awesome moms with awesome products. I am a big fan of buying homemade...so I will feature products that I have found and love...and will include my products/ ideas/ such when I find them.
There will be pictures of my adorable children super c and monkey m. They are the most photogenic kids ever.
People have told me before they like to read my writing. Instead of hiding, I have decided to be raw, open and interesting. Once I have done that I have felt that others feel comfortable around me. I have a dear friend, Krista, who has mentioned how important it is to have community, friends/family that are honest and real with each other. I feel comfort when others are true to themselves and honest about whats going on in their lives. And to you Krista, thank you for being honest on your blog...so that I can be honest on mine.
So here...in short form...here is Sara
-i love coffee.
-Yes I do love birds and have a tattoo of one on my wrist
-with that tattoo is the bible verse philippians 4:6
-i love music and wishes i was musically talented like most of my family
-i hold my friends very near and dear to my heart
-i will always have coffee in my house...you are more than welcomed to come in for a cup
-i love having people in my house, it makes me feel whole
-i hate slience, there is always music on in this house
-i am secretly obessed with tv
-i lie...very knows i am obessed with tv
-if coffee is number one on my list, red wine is a very close second
-i oooh and ahhh over cupcakes
-i am short, very short
-i get my socks and my daugther socks confused, which is which? i have no idea
-i love my family
-i let my children listen to my music
Those are just tid bits of myself.
Welcome to my new blog...sara puts a bird on it.
Have you seen that clip from Portlandia? You know, where they make fun of people putting 'birds' on everything? Well click below to see it.
Yes, I realize that they are making fun of those who put birds on things and I proudly say...yes I am one of those! For freak'n good reason too...that will be explained later.
I have decided to start a new blog, one that combines all my other blogs, into one. Some of it will be about my kids: super c (my son, 7 months) and monkey m (my daugther, almost 4years). I 've decided to keep the names private. Some of it might even be about my brave hubby 'a' (who has to deal with me putting birds on everything!). There will be doses of my personal life, which will include my battle with depression/anxiety and the battle to be a good mom to my children. Also, there will be some Jesus talk...as the Love of Jesus is what gets me by each day.
And yes...I will share with you my hobbys...crafting, sewing, and looking for awesome moms with awesome products. I am a big fan of buying homemade...so I will feature products that I have found and love...and will include my products/ ideas/ such when I find them.
There will be pictures of my adorable children super c and monkey m. They are the most photogenic kids ever.
People have told me before they like to read my writing. Instead of hiding, I have decided to be raw, open and interesting. Once I have done that I have felt that others feel comfortable around me. I have a dear friend, Krista, who has mentioned how important it is to have community, friends/family that are honest and real with each other. I feel comfort when others are true to themselves and honest about whats going on in their lives. And to you Krista, thank you for being honest on your blog...so that I can be honest on mine.
So here...in short form...here is Sara
-i love coffee.
-Yes I do love birds and have a tattoo of one on my wrist
-with that tattoo is the bible verse philippians 4:6
-i love music and wishes i was musically talented like most of my family
-i hold my friends very near and dear to my heart
-i will always have coffee in my house...you are more than welcomed to come in for a cup
-i love having people in my house, it makes me feel whole
-i hate slience, there is always music on in this house
-i am secretly obessed with tv
-i lie...very knows i am obessed with tv
-if coffee is number one on my list, red wine is a very close second
-i oooh and ahhh over cupcakes
-i am short, very short
-i get my socks and my daugther socks confused, which is which? i have no idea
-i love my family
-i let my children listen to my music
Those are just tid bits of myself.
Welcome to my new blog...sara puts a bird on it.
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