...left the house will spilled cheerios in our playroom
...with dishes in the sink, piled up from gosh only knows when
...may or may not left dirty pee pee diapers on the floor...somewhere
...ingnored the bag, that was filled with blocks, dumped on the floor
...turned a blind eye to my child when he ate the fore mention of cheerios off the floor when we got home
...was in horrible mood because our costco sized coffee ran out. that is pretty much tragic at our house
...sat down at my MOPS table and was probably too loud
...got dressed up for MOPS but all I could think of "boy I wish I could be in sweats right now"
...after I write this will head off and change into sweats excuse me, yoga pants!
...realized I am a really horribly messy person
...came home to almost no bread for sandwiches, gave Super C the 'butt' piece, I ate half a sandwich and Monkey M got a whole sandwich with two real pieces of bread
...am thankful for my wonderful children who tolerate me only a daily basis. Including when I thought it would be funny to stuff the blocks mentioned above into Super C's pants while he was crawling around. Monkey M thought was funny too.