I am not a big reader, although in years after high school and college I have found the love of reading. Once I realize that there isn't some teacher shoving a book down my throat to read...then do a large book report...I was able to pour coffee and enjoy what I would like to read.
There was only three books that I have read front to back pretty much in one sitting....'Happens Every Day-An All Too True Story' By Isabel Gillies (great book, but sad since its about marriage and divorce but you can't help but just feel for the main character) 'Beautiful Boy: A father's journey through his son's addiction' by David Sheff and his Son's book on his addiction 'Tweak: Growing up on Meth." by Nic Sheff. Both father/son have amazing writing that draw you in and you feel for both of them on different levels, reaccounting their stories. All three books are actually depressing in their owns way, but would recommend any of these books for a great read.
Now I am adding another one to that list. And if you haven't borrow it/put it on hold at the library, do so now 'Bossypants' by Tina Fey.
There have been many times where I am sitting, watching some 30 Rock and say, out loud for that matter, I wish I was more like Tina Fey. I would rather have my daugther look up to someone with a great sense of humor that someone who goes simply on looks (not to say Tina Fey isn't beautiful, she is...maybe not so much in the older pictures she has through out her book. But heck, we all remember those days...right???). She is smart, hillariously quick, honest, and blunt. All those things I love about her.
I am a big 30 Rock fan and a huge fan of her when she was on SNL (what happened to SNL anyways??? Seems like its a ship thats going down...fast...). Loved her when she was Sarah Palin, frankly becasue she was making fun of her...I am not a Sarah Palin fan. And that she is a mother of now two and a marriage...she is a great lady! All those things she addresses in her book, with that smart and honesty I talked about earlier.
One weekend we were invited to 'the cabin' which is on a local island. The kids played in the swimming pool, the men helped with projects around the cabin (beer in hand of course) and I got to sit...and read. I brought this book with the intention of reading it off and on during the weekend. I probably neglected my children over the course of the weekend but crap dang...grandparents were there, they wanted to watch them! on a side note, please don't call CPS, I really didn't neglect my children and I swear I am a decent mother.
By far my favorite chapter on the book is which she talks about motherhood in the chapter titled "There's a Drunk Midget in My House"
I am going to briefly write about my favorite parts only to entice you to read the book.
As with any first time mother, Tina was thrown in to the Breastfeeding vs Bottle feeding debate. Now, I am going to announce here that I am taking sides on either...as long as your baby is healthy, thats all that matters!
Quote: "Invented in the mid-1800's as a last-ditch option for orphans and underweight babies, packaged infant formula has since been perfected to be a complete and reliable source of stress and shame for mothers." I cracked up at this...because when I went to formula for both children I experienced both of those things. Not as much with my second as I started not giving a crap care anymore.
Quote: "There are a lot of different opinions as to how long one should breast-feed. The world Health Org says six months. The American Association of Pediatrics says one year is Ideal. Mothering magazine suggests you nurse the child until just before his rehearsal dinner. I say you must find what works for you. For my little angel and me the magic number was about seventy-two hours". Mine was three months, both, on the dot.
Now for Tina Fey's "Me Time" List:
-Go to the bathroom a lot.
-Offer to empty the dishwasher.
-Take nintey-minute showers (if you only shower every three or four days, it will be easier to get away with this.)
-Say you're going to look for the diaper creme, then go into your child's room and just stand there until your spouse comes in and curtly says "What are you doing?"
-Stand over the sink and the rest of your child's dinner while he or she pulls at your pant leg asking for it back.
-Try to establish that you're the only one in your family allowed to go to the post office.
-"Sleep when your baby sleeps." Everyone knows this classic tip, but I say why stop there? Scream when your baby screams. Take Benadryl when your baby takes Benadryl. And walk around pantless when your baby walks around pantless.
Ok, so seriously, if my crappy halfassed review isn't cutting in...check out the book. You will not regret it in anyway....
Melissa tag your it! The book is off to you now! Thanks Reyna for the community book!
And I put my stamp of approval of this...
-Sara puts a Bird on it.